We're all familiar with Russia's gay ban (hellllllo awkward Olympics). Just recently, they even eliminated the possibility of gay couples adopting children. Did it ever occur to you that they're anti-gay because a certain someone is so deep in the closet his rock-hard ass is in Narnia?
Enter Vladimir Putin. Good grief – this man is a prancin' screamer from the back row. At least - that's what this delightful pic selection would have you believe!
Okay, okay, its' probably not true. But there's no harm in joking about it - right? Big Brother shouldn't be lurking around this time of day anyway. So go ahead and check out this gallery. Maybe it's 100% speculation, but who can deny the vaguely erotic amazingness of a shirtless Putin hunting? Or the sensuality of a solid wink? If that doesn't convince you, we have two words for you: bow tie.
Oh Putin. We'll be Putin on the Ritz for you all the way over here in America.
Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d1/Vladimir_Putin_12020.jpg